April ePortfolio Blog

Total hours for the semester: 15

Over the past several weeks on two separate occasions, I volunteered with Second Harvest Community Food Bank in Elmwood, LA completing 6 service hours. For one of the two shifts I did, my duties consisted of packing meals that were going to be sent to New Orleans residents that live in elderly-assisted living communities as well as small children in their after-school programs. Working alongside other volunteers, mostly New-Orleans natives, is always a time to enjoy. Always worried that they won't be accepting of me since I have not been here for as long of a time as them, that has never been the case. Part of what I love about New Orleans is the large family that lives in it. I can most definitely conclude that New Orleans is the most welcoming city in America in my opinion. Considering the fact that I am originally from Washington, DC and living there for the first 18 years of my life, I can definitely tell the differences in the community-sense and I feel like it is for sure stronger here. On the second occasion in my Second Harvest Food Bank volunteering career, I helped pack and sort canned goods and bottled drinks that had been donated. These donated goods were going to be sent to organizations that deliver these products to homeless individuals in the greater New Orleans area. As I reflect back on all my volunteering experiences over the year, I loved participating in activities that benefited the lives of homeless individuals. While I do love New Orleans and everything there is to offer here, there most definitely is a large homeless population and it felt important that I was helping get some of these individuals on their feet by lending a hand in the process.

As I look back on my year in the program, I can definitely say that it was a successful one. All of the friends I have made and the knowledge I have gained from the faculty has definitely had a positive experience in my life. It feels like it flew by so quickly and I wish we had more time in left. One thing I know for sure is that I feel more ready to tackle the struggles and stressfulness that is medical school. With this being said, my biggest take away that is not content-related is the readiness I feel to take on the future that is medicine. I would most definitely recommend this program to anyone and would have so many positive aspects to contribute about it. Thank you to the faculty and my fellow peers for a successful year and I am excited for what is hopefully in my near future.


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