March ePortfolio Blog

 Total Hours: 9

A few months ago, some of my peers and I volunteered with Covenant House New Orleans (CHNO). The mission of CHNO is to build a bridge to hope for young people facing homelessness and survivors of trafficking through unconditional love, absolute respect, and relentless support." Part of my duties was cleaning nine apartments and preparing for women who are homeless with a history of trafficking to live there. This was a really eye-opening experience for me to say the least. We spent approximately three and a half hours there going through each part of the apartments and ensuring that their quality was maximized for the upcoming habitants. In doing so, I helped the New Orleans community and the large homeless population it has and helped provide homes to those who cannot afford them. The location of the apartment complex that I helped clean was located in the Treme, which is only a 5 minute drive from where I live in the Warehouse District. What made this mission so near and dear to me was the fact that homeless individuals are located in my own backyard and I lended a hand in helping them get off the street and live in a stable and clean environment. I believed that my fellow peers and I helped enhance the mission of CHNO in fulfilling this service. 

In regards this past month in the classroom, it is only now starting to feel like the end of school. I finished up my last few presentations in some of the elective courses we are taking and am beginning to prepare for the final. As I look back on my experience in the program, I am extremely thankful for the professors that have gone far to help strengthen my knowledge base and my background that will help me eventually in becoming a better physician. As I close up this year, I can most definitely say that I have learned a ton. With this being said, my peers in our cohort have also made this year a great one. I have really appreciated getting to know everyone and I believe that the friendships I have made will carry on with me into the future once the program has come to completion. 


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