February ePortfolio Blog

 Total Service Hours: 6

Cumulative Hours: 6

This past month I completed 6 service learning hours at Second Harvest Community Food Bank at their organization warehouse in Elmwood. During this time, I helped pack and sort donated goods into boxes that would later be shipped out to partner organizations that would be given to homeless individuals in the New Orleans area. While I was packing, I was able to interact with local New Orleans individuals about their experience living in the area for many years. This was an important experience for me since I was able to get a feel for what living here is like in my non-Tulane bubble. I really appreciated hearing about what their experiences were like. As an example, one of the other volunteers recently moved here from the northern part of Florida with her husband and is very involved in the community service organizations near her area; She was extremely involved in it back home and wanted to continue that hobby of hers and use it as a way to meet people. 

Now that Mardi Gras is over, I am eager to continue preparing for the MCAT that I am taking in June and finish up our final module. It is crazy to me thinking about how fast this year went by and what the future holds. I think this past semester was even better than the last one simply because I became closer with my peers and got more comfortable with the course material. I think my favorite module this semester thus far would be the most recent one, the Neurology/CNS module. The reason for this being said is that I felt like most of the pharmacology this past module was the most applicable. I also liked how this module had the SIM session as well as lectures/independent studies that I found very interesting too. 


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