December ePortfolio Blog


As we are closing up to what has been a great semester, I would like to reflect on the amazing opportunities I have had to complete my service hours. A few weeks ago, some of my fellow peers and I got together for 3 hours to create more of the Holiday cards that we also did the previous month. Knowing that these cards were going to be sent to the same orphanage that the cards from last month were sent to really helped me embark on a continuous process that was changing the lives of many local Louisiana children. While doing this was very moving, I also got to spend additional time outside of class with my classmates which helped us grow our relationships even further. I really enjoyed being able to do community service with my classmates because it really helped build a strong bond while providing for the needs of others. 

This week I spent approximately 6 hours at the Second Harvest Food Bank volunteering in their community kitchen. We spent the mornings preparing Holiday themed meals that were being sent to both children in their after-school programs and elderly adults at their assisted-living homes. As I was preparing meals, I got the opportunity to work along-side many local New Orleans residents. This was an eye-opening process since I got to hear about their stories and life experiences while creating a strong connection with them. Coming from Maryland, the culture is very different than from it is here so conversing with locals is always a powerful way to immerse myself in the culture of New Orleans. 

In conclusion, the final module on GI/Neoplasia was probably my most favorite module of the semester. The reason for this is that I found the Cancer Chemotherapy content the most fascinating. This information, in my opinion, was connected the most to medicine. I think that Cancer is a very large topic in the medical field since it is relevant to so many peoples lives across the entire globe. With this being said, it seemed to me that this information is probably the most important to learn about as I continue and develop my career in medicine. I am very grateful for this awesome first semester and am very excited to finish up strong on the semester to come. 

Happy Holidays,



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