October ePortfolio Blog

 This past Monday (October 25, 2021) I volunteered in the Community Kitchen at the Second Harvest Food Bank. This non-profit organization produces thousands of meals per week for disaster relief victims, senior citizens, after-school Kids Cafe and Summer Feeding programs. For approximately 3 hours (8-11), we packed roughly 1200 snack packs that would be sent to children participating in after-school programs. While I got to help my local kids in the greater New Orleans area, I also got to meet some of the nearby residents that are not affiliated with Tulane. Since I am constantly meeting people in our various courses that are all Tulane students and staff, it was eye-opening to get some experience with people who actually grew up in this area. 

In the last few weeks, we have dug even deeper into the Pharmacology curriculum. Now that we are back from the storm with very little disruptions, I feel like everyone has settled in more or less and has gotten more comfortable with the program as opposed to the beginning of the year. It has been really interesting to me to learn about the Autonomic Nervous System and regulating homeostatic functions. I enjoyed learning more specifically about the molecular and cellular processes that occur to regulate some of the essential processes. As we begin to transition into our new module about the Cardiovascular System, I feel like I have become more comfortable with the material and have gained a firm understanding about how to approach studying habits and techniques. 


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